Sole 24 Ore – Enciclopedia Universale

The design of the covers of the Sole24ORE Universal Encyclopedia series is based on the idea of transforming the word into an image, which once recognized, becomes the same word again. The cover illustrations were created by texturing the letters contained in the title of the volume. Through a meticulous manual work, modifying the size and concentration of the letters, we have emphasized the three-dimensionality of the subject.

ClientSole 24OREAgencyMarco Pennisi & C.SectorPublishingServicesgraphic design, illustrationYear2006

We are a smart multi-disciplinary studio specialized in visual design, brand identity,
exhibition and promotion design.


Overlay Studio
Via Carmagnola 8, 20159 – Milano
+39 02 36528979
+39 0236528947

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